well yesterday i went to Tangerang Open Taekwondo Tournament, with my S1LENCE, Mr. A, and ewok.
just realizing that taekwondo is little bit make me afraid.
sedikit anarkis tepatnya, ngeliat orang nendang kepala orang, ngeliat orang nendang tangan orang, ngeliat orang nendang muka orang, ngeliat orang nendang perut orang, ngeliat orang nendang angin, ngeliat orang jatoh, ngeliat orang nangis, ngeliat orang kesakitan, ngeliat orang senang, ngeliat orang bajunya sama semua, ngeliat cowo meluk cowo di tengah lapangan,
every weird thing that i never ever seen and know. but at all it's amazing. and FYI my mommy ask me to join the program, but mom how could i do some of that stuff?! maybe i could make the patience of Sabem lose because of my attitude -_-v
and for Mr. A, i don't allow you to join taekwondo, i won't to see you hug another man -_-
Me and Mr. A, well we wore the same barca shirt :)